28 February 2021

Beginner level auto wiring fiascos

Turns out the PWM dimmer on the LED lights pulses on the NEGATIVE terminal. I should have realised...I am derp. This means I cannot terminate the lights to the chasis of the van; every single one must have a return to the PWM. My original wiring plan throughout the van has gone extremely sour, and now the entire thing is a gigantic kludge.

I've done the best I can with my broken will to bother...it's mostly done now. It literally would have been cheaper and vastly simpler to buy a second set of lights and position them in sub-sets with their limited-wire-reach in different segments of the van, than wire the entire van with one set using home made extension cables per wire. Maybe next time...

Nothing was able to be used as intended, so lots of kludge re-working was on the menu.
I decided to get a battery-box as it had a series of luxuries built-in that were cheaper than buying the DIY components. 12v meter, isolation on/off switch, cig-power, USB power, and two anderson plugs. There's a nice 80Ah AGM deep cycle battery in there right now, should be enough to run a nice sized eski-fridge for days.

Not seen here is the 160W portable solar panel I bought, it has ~4m cable plus 5m extension and built in el-cheapo battery charger. Overall a nice set of gizmos. I will probably install a Voltage Sensitive Relay between the existing van battery and the utility battery eventually, this will let the utility battery charge while driving and keep it isolated from the van battery at all other times.
I'm VERY unhappy with this...but the fiasco with re-wiring the van due to lighting error really messed up lots of plans. I really don't enjoy auto wiring, it's always a bit of a joke. I'm super dissapointed in contributing to the cliche'.

I've placed 10Amp fuses in line for three cigarette-power sockets and a fast-charge usb line throughout the van. The cig-power sockets will end up with usb sockets stuck into them, but offer high camping flexibility. (note fuse wiring not quite finished)