06 March 2021

Bench press it.

I grabbed a 50Litre compressor today. I didn't own one previously, and had to shuttle to work to hook into the monster industrial machine, or borrow dads medium/small one.

I wanted two features. 1) silent. 2) Flow rate of ~230+ litres/minute to suit a venturi sytle air paint sprayer.

The AEG branded compressor that I want is out of my price range. The Ozito that I would consider buying is made in China albeit an Australian owned company...so I bought this compressor for $100 cheaper at the Chineese Tool shop down the road from work.

We have one of these at work as our portable after the prior portable was sent home with the boss for being too loud in the workshop. It's quieter than belt driven compressors which are quieter than the direct drive or V-motor compressors. They don't come quieter than this. You can have a conversation at normal levels while this is running.

Of the two outlets, one is regulated to whatever you want, and the other is just full blast.

So I'm pretty happy with that.