03 April 2020

Covid 19

I'm in mandatory forced isolation for 14 days since returning from the U.S. I'm in a very low end hotel in the middle of Sydney that's pretending to be high end. It has on all fronts, less features than any cheap hotel I've ever stayed at.

The news and actions of our extremely wealthy country are mind bogglingly insane, and is trying to fix a minor problem by locking down the entire country, instead of just people at risk. ie: people over 60, and travelers. The last time I checked, Australia literally had no deaths below the age of 60. It had one at 60-70, and all the rest were older. Sure saving lives is great...but a wealthy country can save more lives with better health and fitness education and action. Look it up.

But that's all irrelevant. As usual, the bigger picture is nowhere to be seen here in .au. We're killing a mosquito with a jackhammer while standing in the middle of the road with our back to oncoming traffic under the guise of saving lives to malaria.

Good job humans.

The actions and expense to tackle these three problems is pretty much the inverse of this graphic.
Ooof. Clowns.