19 April 2020

Boat-Van: The Roofening. Are we there yet?

Misc unsorted pics of the rear panel filling job. Currently unfinished. This is my first weekend home in a while.

There are subtle curves in all axis and edges, including a few not so subtle ones. This is going to be a tricky one to fill.
A small lip of the old roof exists here. I can fold the new panel inwards to sit against this edge and be clear of the top of the doors.
I stuck a piece of paper across the hole to be filled, and traced the edges with my fingernail to create a visible crease.
Again I have no choice but to use a panel with a minor dogleg fold in it. I'm going to align this with the upper gutter across the back. Should look pretty tidy.
Some roof-rib box sections on the back of this old roof panel needed to be removed.
There's that fold in-line with the gutter. When everything is tucked in and trimmed it should look like it's supposed to be there.
The paper template was just the size of the hole itself in one sliced plane at an approximation of the outer most point. The panel required to fill was obviously a vastly different shape in order to overlap and include folds etc. The template still had purpose to create approximations of curves and folds.
A minimalist cut-out to clear the doors, and the relief cut required to fold and meet the roof are two different locations. Oh well.
Curves everywhere. Relief cuts are made so I can approximate the arc of the roof as I fold this edge over in manageable bites.
I haven't forced the outward bow in my panel in this photo. You can see how it doesn't match the curvature of the rubber-seal at the top of the door frame. That will be fixed when I fasten it in place from the inside and bow it out a little.

I'll tackle the upper curvature over the roof another day.