29 April 2020

Dem' facts will be the end of you...

I guess reality is optional for some people.

It is heart breaking that people will prioritise topics like abortion as a pro-Trump argument, when it pales into absurd insignificance compared to the literal directly related deaths of adults due to his actions and words, the damage he has done in every other area of human ethics, business leadership, and the roles of a public servant.

Nobody in the history of modern western leadership has accumulated the volume of factual, verifiable, countable lies as Trump.

Please try sources of news other than Fox and Rush Limbaugh for your information. You might even learn something.

26 April 2020

Boat Van: The Roofening - Construction complete.

Roof construction phase complete. Remaining tasks are edge sealing, hole filling, and final painting. Still a fair bit of work...but the hard construction and head scratching is done.

This has been a huge job. I've never done automotive body panel work before, not even rusty patch repairs, let alone a roof extension.

I'm super pleased with the way it worked out. Strength, geometry, overall look, all awesome. Can't wait to finally do the intended work, which was the interior all along!!

25 April 2020

Boat-Van: The Roofening. Are we there yet? Part 2

Pix' waiting for mum to come out of the bathroom. When dad is in there, she pushes the door open and sits in my underwear...
Two girls...so cute...both so naughty. No kitties inside the bed!
I used a short stump of round aluminium stock from work to form the curved edge on my panel to match the roof of the van. The line on the panel and stump are used to ensure the curve begins at the same point throughout. (there's a line underneath the panel to use...the top one was just eyeballing everything) This was primitive hammer work... I don't have a rolling machine, or a longer piece of round stock to use. Oh well, hack n slash is how I roll.
Hammering was repeated several times 'till I got the curve right.
Pre drilling pop rivet holes everywhere.
Primer coat all round before installation.
All holes got deburred and primed on both sides of all panels and contact points as usual. Slow work. I intend to install the panel tomorrow after this primer coat dries.

19 April 2020

Boat-Van: The Roofening. Are we there yet?

Misc unsorted pics of the rear panel filling job. Currently unfinished. This is my first weekend home in a while.

There are subtle curves in all axis and edges, including a few not so subtle ones. This is going to be a tricky one to fill.
A small lip of the old roof exists here. I can fold the new panel inwards to sit against this edge and be clear of the top of the doors.
I stuck a piece of paper across the hole to be filled, and traced the edges with my fingernail to create a visible crease.
Again I have no choice but to use a panel with a minor dogleg fold in it. I'm going to align this with the upper gutter across the back. Should look pretty tidy.
Some roof-rib box sections on the back of this old roof panel needed to be removed.
There's that fold in-line with the gutter. When everything is tucked in and trimmed it should look like it's supposed to be there.
The paper template was just the size of the hole itself in one sliced plane at an approximation of the outer most point. The panel required to fill was obviously a vastly different shape in order to overlap and include folds etc. The template still had purpose to create approximations of curves and folds.
A minimalist cut-out to clear the doors, and the relief cut required to fold and meet the roof are two different locations. Oh well.
Curves everywhere. Relief cuts are made so I can approximate the arc of the roof as I fold this edge over in manageable bites.
I haven't forced the outward bow in my panel in this photo. You can see how it doesn't match the curvature of the rubber-seal at the top of the door frame. That will be fixed when I fasten it in place from the inside and bow it out a little.

I'll tackle the upper curvature over the roof another day.

11 April 2020

Dem facts.

I'm thoroughly unimpressed with the measures being taken in .au. Trump's failures are not a reflection of .au's success.

Yeah great shape genius.

05 April 2020

Doing all the things in isolation.

I'm stuck in a hotel for 14 days in Sydney during the covid' fiasco and currently in mandatory isolation after returning to the country from overseas. I go pro at everything. Try and keep up.


Weighted lifting:

For drink, every meal includes a 350ml bottle of water. I personally use the drinking glasses in the room and the faucet and have no need to open these bottles. It's just a 350 gram weight to me. Collect enough, and you've got yourself some exercise weights. Place them in your backpack, and start lifting bro. I have twelve so far. With a few pepsi cans, I have a solid 5kg weight to start doing beginners weight bicep curls on each arm. The pack can be used for anything you can do with a kettle bell. Go find some exercises online for each muscle group and get going.
Don't forget forearm curls and raises. Put a folded towel on the edge of a surface, and start curling that pack of water.
The weight is probably too low for advanced users, but try overhead flys laying over the edge of the bed for lat-pulldown equivalency. I mixed this with pushups to get some activation. Forced-flexing during the light-weight movement helps too. Unfortunately this room simply does not have a means of doing pullups or chinups. The bathroom doorway is full height to the roof with no rim with which to get your bouldering-grip onto. Your luck may vary.


Situps, pushups, lunges, squats, planks etc etc... Add water-weight-pack where applicable.


Create a step with the bed base or chair. Start your timer on your phone. Start stepping for 15mins solid. This will get an advanced user from the car-park to the top of the 1k steps in Ferntree Gully, Vic, Aus. When you get to the top, start pacing in the room for a 5min cool down.

Don't forget skipping rope jumping: just pretend the rope is there. I do 5x100 jump sets. These are skipping rope toe-height-jumps, NOT high jumps or other explosive exercises. Switch to explosive plyometric exercises as desired.


I had my PC shipped from Vic to NSW overnight. The TV in the room is only broadcast TV, and doesn't have any cable channels or online services like netflix etc. Want to read something on your phone?? No I don't either...Get me a big screen and a keyboard!

I've taped two paper bags underneath the TV to deflect the speaker audio forward. I had them on hand...the audio design was garbage. I've improved it considerably.

Laundry day:

Epic sink hand washing. You've learned to wash your hands during covid 2020. Now learn to wash your socks and jocks.

Advanced leftovers reheating techniques:

Be sure to order garlic bread with your 1st order of pizza, this will yield the required foil. Temperatures will never get hot enough to ignite anything, so you could use paper as a medium to keep the iron clean also. Pro Tip: Thin n Crispy pizza reheats better than Deep Pan in this application. The insulation factor of a deep pan base is quite high...avoid.