05 February 2020

The land of wealthy yobbos.


Page 17. Good job Australia, you're measurably the worst. 'Gratz everyone who keeps voting Liberal (not to be confused with the literal meaning of liberals used elsewhere...The liberals in Australia are hard-right) because [money excuses here].

The rankings do not continue to the next page. That's it. Australia is the worst. Again.
Australia is the ONLY country in the overall-performance-indicator chart to have NO VISIBLE POLICY metric showing (Page 9). Tony Abbott (Liberal party) scrapped the Climate Commission in 2017.
"...Experts note that the new government is an increasingly regressive force in negotiations..."
"...the newly elected government has continued to worsen performance at both national and international levels..."

While the U.S is doing everything in its power to be as bad or worse, I feel it needs a minor exemption these last few years due to the absolute quantifiable insanity of the Trump factor.

"...with the U.S acting as a destructive player in international negotiations at all levels..."
The behaviour of both countries is exactly the kind of thing that irrational anti immigrant bigots, and objective observers would expect to see out of China or North Korea. When both extremes perceive the same disgust...one has to be embarrassed.