02 February 2020

Boat Van: the roofening 5

I finished the basic mechanical fastening of the roof conversion today. This has been an absolute monster truck of a job.

Yet to complete is the filling of the cavities above the side door, rear doors, then final trim sealing via caulking, automotive filler and finally paint. Given how far I've gone with my deep dive into auto body mods...these are minor tasks, though certainly not fast jobs.

Today I sealed and riveted the top-rear and top-front panels and completed the rib-joinery. 204 rivets total for the job. 75mm (3 inch) or 150mm spacing depending on the location. Each hole was de-burred on both sides of all panels to ensure a flush mating and maximum rivet crimp. This means every hole was visited six times or MORE. Drill (1 step), deburr both sides of two or more panels (4+ steps), rivet (1 step). A far cry from the way you'd slap together a tin shed that's for sure.

The sound paneling I mentioned yesterday was absolutely horrible to remove. Just horrible horrible, time consuming messy horrible. Yuck.

I had a bit of a Silastic smear fiasco across the front of the van when trying to install the front-mid roof. This was expected and unfortunately unavoidable while working solo. A big cleanup job is required later with an orbital sander when I get to the trim-work and final cleanup stage in the future.

Man I'm tired.

Horrible muck

Silastic brand ultra goop across the top where I'm about to seal. The two rows are the edges of the overlap.
Quickly locating a selection of holes with up-popped rivets to align everything before I commit.
Images of the internal rib joinery are shown in yesterday's pictures.

Misc tools of the trade. Minus 4 donuts.
The ratchet strap held the roof while I retracted the forklift tynes.
Lots of drilling.
Moar drilling.
The edge of the roof is propped up with a plank so I can get the fork tynes in and remove the roof to clean it up before final assembly.

Difficult to see in the photo, but I smeared silastic all over the place when getting this panel in place. What a mess. Cleanup with rnd orbital later.
Looks primo from a distance anyway.
I guess I'll work on filling these two holes next.
...just cruisin' around the warehouse. (I backed up to the air compressor hose to blow out infinite swarf from the floor).