11 January 2020

Junk Shed micro upgrade

My neighbour is upgrading his sheds. He offered one of his old ones. I stupidly said "yes". Now I have a job to do. :(

The old shed was a fiasco. It had a surreal hinged door in the narrow path you see between the two sheds. It opened into the path... away from you... and hits the other shed. Just incredible.

This new shed replacement barely fits in the existing space. The doors are on the face I can't use, so I'll be modifying the old shed door to fit this one.

This old narrow shed on the left took barely any effort to kick over.
There was a door here. Absurd. I patched it a couple years ago and moved the door to the end face (where there was previously an entry by way of a missing wall panel), but it was always a hack n slash fix as the door flopped around without a frame.
Good riddance garbage shed. Hello garbage fence?? Oh man there's no way I'm dealing with that. Someone hand me the 3 meter panel so I can cover this junk up!
Hello new 2nd hand shed that barely fits.
A proper foundation is for chumps with cash. Steel: meet small stone paver.
The left panel has sliding doors. I fastened them together. This closest end will need a door installed.

Kerblam! Instant door. I had to shorten it by about 150mm, and I also have more wall space to fill.

So that's done. It's pretty ugly, but an improvement on the old shed. It's more sturdy, the door isn't floppy, and a little larger. I guess this is a win.
Old shed panels to be dealt with.