06 January 2020

Boat Van: the roofening 2

Today Jana helped me wash and primer-paint various parts that were finished or almost finished before they get permanently fastened to the van. Nothing is currently attached. Any structures you see are merely temporary to get measurements while maintaining alignment etc...

Yet to complete is a final trim-down of the central roof. I need to cut back the internal supports so that it can sit flush and overlap the existing sides. I'll reinforce the struts internally with some aluminium profile later. Some Profile 6 60x12mm should do the trick.

This project goes on hold for two weeks. I'm going camping in Warnambool on the 20th Jan and only two weekends remain between now and then. I also have a huge pile of panels in my car port that need to be modified to become a shed upgrade for my back yard. These need to be dealt with pronto as I have stuff all over the place due to one of my tiny sheds being emptied while waiting for this replacement shed to be disassembled from the neighbour and become mine...