03 January 2020

Boat Van

I bought a boat!! It needs some work, so I flipped it over and pushed it onto a large work bench. I'll have a motor and maybe even wings attached in no time. Dad helped me pick it up from the marina. Glad he was there, I had trouble lifting it out of the water and getting it onto the boat trailer.

Jana managed to scrounge a lil' itty bitty delicate anvil for making precision wearable clockwork parts... It's about ~200kg. We got it into the van with a tractor (3 guys weren't willing to lift it), and I got it out with a fork lift. I shoved it on to a pallet at work and left it there. They're worth big bucks here. Maybe Jana will let me take money for it some day, and they can cart it away instead of me having to bring it home and set it up. :D

The goal is to raise the roof on the van by *this* much. 'course I'd do it on the van, and not simply extend the height of the piece on the trailer. (duh) Excuse the crudity of the photoshop.