27 January 2020

Boat Van: the roofening 3

Some three-day-long-weekend activity on the van. Hard work. Lots done. Six main upright pillars are installed and attached (removable and adjustable parts). The left and right "quarters" are currently curing with Silastic branded amaze-goop in place where they join together, however their final joinery to the surfaces of the van are yet to be done. (Remember I've divided the entire build into six components, all pieces need to join together, then to the van itself)

Test fitting of the roof front and rear panels was done today. Looks great. Obv' final cleanup and some trimming is required to match some existing contours and lines, but overall the test fit was absolutely premium and looked awesome. I was super excited to see a positive end in sight to this job, and lots of pre-planning and prior work on the bench is coming together onto the van. It's been a monster solo job minus some help here and there from Jana and dad, both helping me do lifting and infinite odds and ends.

What looks like bright red rust in some images is actually dirt that settled from our recent mud-rain-storm. It was local newsworthy at the time. What a mess.

Un-sorted pics below.

23 January 2020

Strawbees Hovercraft

I got a Strawbees Hovercraft kit for Christmas. You can find videos online. It's pretty fun and very zippy. I was a little imprecise attaching the main platform to the skirt and it likes to favour one direction and turning that direction heavily, but it's designed for re-manufacture with easy to scrounge junk...so that's OK!!

Like all toys with a price tag, the box ultimately becomes the best part...for kitties.

Jana, Garrick and I went for a brief camp at Warnambool in the van (still in very early stages).

We saw a HUUUGEE ray at the pier, he kept coming to the surface and inspecting the seaweed on the pillars. His tail had been damaged but he seemed unaffected in his travels. He was easily 1.2m or more across. An absolute monster.

We played mini golf as is the custom on holidays. Jana and I got new high (low?) scores scores for our suburb and featured on their leader board! Awesome!