18 November 2018

Campervan prototype shower

A brief pictorial explanation of the built in shower is shown below. The dining seat behind the drivers seat contains a tub and is accessed by simply taking the lid and cushions off. The two enclosing panels to form an enclosed shower room are detached from their respective fixed-faces of the van where they're normally stowed in plain sight...presumably some magnets will achieve this. These panels are going to be 4mm aluminium composite panels, and are extremely durable and light. The fixed walls are cut from the same composite panel, they're ideal for shower walls and completely remove the need for any soggy curtain arrangement. A basic hinge is achieved with regular toilet door latches at the upper and lower corners of whatever panel I decide when the time comes. The dining table may or may not hinge up against the wall..though it probably will as it's so easy to do.

Panel A is shown stowed against Panel B in the seat-mode image. Panel C does the same thing against Panel D when stowed in seat mode.
Panel B and D are fixed wall panels. D is the side of the van, and B is an installed wall behind the drivers seat. In shower-mode, C or A can be hinged at the top and bottom with regular toilet door latches. Once wiped down with a squeegee, everything is stowed against its respective opposite walls with embedded neodymium magnets.

A portable camping instant hot water unit will be installed in the cavity above the drivers seat. I've tested Dave's and am very impressed. The reservoir can be quite some distance away if required.

This is all ludicrously simple, but impossibly hard to explain...hopefully these two pictures solve that. Yes there's a drain in the tub...