06 November 2018

Mount Buffalo camping 2018

Jana and I went camping at Mount Buffalo for two nights for our 5th anniversary and her 45th birthday!!

The camp site was super awesome. They'd recently installed a sheltered electric barbeque area, and just re-started the water pumps for the toilet block which is normally shut down for winter due to freezing. It's one of the first years they've had hot water for the showers. Water is pumped directly from Lake Catani, so no drinkable water, but boiling fixes that. Lots of wombats, many birds, beautiful high country landscape. Fun camp site with open fire cooking at virtually every site which is fairly rare, particularly in a national park in Australia.

Since we were half way to Sydney anyway...I accidentally bought a 2004 Ford Transit van on auction online which we had to pick up after our camping was done. That's another story for another blog in future. :D

Pictures in no particular order, and not necessarily at Mount Buffalo.