07 July 2015


Feb 27th, 1884. Thomas W Hemmings and Jessie Beard are married. They receive several teaspoon sets as gifts.
And thanks to my grandma Edith Hemmings, who married their son Archie's son Willard, I now have a few of them hanging on my wall!! Even better, they're initialed "J H" in magnificent lettering on the handles. (The pin on Ottumwa is not related to the spoons.)
It's fantastic to have some family heirlooms hanging on the wall next to some Batman stamps and a disassembled hard drive. :)
Jana cleaned these up for me. Unfortunately their age (and probable use) has left them very scratched. We could re-polish them to a mirror finish, but it's highly unlikely I'll ever get around to it. Eventually we'll have three of them tarnished with an accelerant to make them black. Blackened silver just looks incredible.
Some random build photos below.