29 May 2022

Beep Test pre-training completed

Further to our previous achievement of jogging 5km in 30mins in prep' for Garrick's ADF training, we completed a score of 7.5 or higher on the Beep Test today. You can go find information about it yourself, but it's a standardised jog and sprinting fatigue exercise which starts slow and increments to murder speeds while the participant runs back and forth between a 20 meter span. It's been used as a baseline indicator for a variety of sports and industry fields in Australia for decades.

Prior to doing the 5km jog training, Garrick and I made two beep test attempts. Garrick scored 7.1 then 6.8 a week later. I got 6.8, then 6.5...neither of us were up to snuff.

So today we made another attempt and voluntarily stopped at 8.0. We both definitely could have gone further, but the goal was met. We'll go to absolute fatigue another day. It's difficult to continue at max-effort when you're excited about reaching a previously unobtainable level.

Next step is to get Garrick up to par on the PushUps and SitUps. IMO they're waaaayyy too easy compared to the jogging and running requirements, but Garrick has done no weight training in his life, so I guess we'll have to get him there. I've done sets of 50 strict form pushups while doing my 300/day routine, and could rip out 100 situps if pushed, so I know we can achieve the same for Garrick in no time.