18 May 2017

Over Nine Thouusaaaannnddd !! (pushups)

So 300 push-ups per day for 30 days is a thing. I decided to give it a shot because there's no genuine reason not to try.

I started with sets of 25 spread throughout the day. 300 total each day. Increasing the set sizes by one each day. In theory, I'd be doing sets of 55 push ups by the end of the month.

My shoulders were frustrating me after the 38-sets day. So I dropped back to sets of 30, with ONE set of the prescribed increment. This is waaaaaaaaaay easier. 30 is nothing. These are real, full range, proper push-ups. No cheats. Good form. Go Pro.

So today I tried one set of fifty and did that successfully.

Milestone achieved...twelve days remaining in the month for bigger things.

ps: I'm 43 yrs old. Yes I can do one handed push ups. No I haven't tried hand stand push ups, but I'm on the way there.
Set yourself a goal. It could be less. It could be more. Give it a shot. The only result can be insight (learning if you fail at the goal, or higher goal setting if you succeed easily) and improvement (personal health at any level). Nothing else. Why deny yourself that?