26 December 2021

Christmas 2021

We had an oddly cool Christmas day while the rest of the country baked alive. Everyone here got some great stuff. We had some fun and got toys and gizmos to use and play with. Jana got me a rolly-polly-under-car-scoot-mazolli which transforms into a short stool which is awesome. I've been using it in stool mode all afternoon on the van. I also got some handles for a mattock head, a sledge hammer head, and shovel head that we scrounged from hard rubbish over the years. Now I have great new tools.

Jana got a bullet blender she'd asked for, and a fitnes tracker watch that seems to be working OK on its own without tying into the phone app.

Garrick cleaned up this year with a great computer chair, a mouse pad, computer speakers, a rubiks cube, a dress watch and a digital watch, new batteries for his scooter, some Steam cash, a guitar to learn on, a lock picking set, a box fan for hot days, some flip flops 'cus he hulked out of his old ones, and I'm sure there's more but it was a big one and he made off like a bandit. :)

This is my blog, so other pictures didn't make it this time around. They're kicking around on my phone still. Maybe later. ;)