02 October 2016

Kayak beach trolley

I want a small portable trolley to move the kayaks from a holiday campsite to the beach. Generally a few hundred meters. No fun to carry them that far. Off to the hard rubbish pile I go...

I grabbed some kids bikes and took the front forks off. They mount nicely in some of the moulded drainage holes...but dont think it's gonna work out. I also have some nice planks of wood from various smashed up dresser drawers.
So maybe I'll mount the forks something like this.
...and make it look something like that... (upside down)
Boaty hull curves require some sort of shaping for my trolley.

That might work.

I bent some wire to make some hooks (no idea where I found the wire, or even why I had it), and used some ancient camping tension springs. (springs are cool, I've been holding onto these for years)
Works pretty well. :)