03 August 2008

Keyboard Well: more

A while back I cut a big dirty hole in my desk to drop the keyboard into. I'm happy with the functionality so it's time to finish up.

Nice clean cuts to house a pine timber frame.

Measure a few times, keep cutting till it sorta fits. That's how the saying goes right ?

Snug as a bug in a rug

Tray in place. Had plans for an elaborate adjustable base but abandoned it due to the steep parabolic curve of effort vs reward.

Redgum sawdust is perfect for making my own putty where dark-mahogany stain is used, the color is a nice match after it has the wet varnished look.

Redgum hardwood + glue = tough putty. This stuff needs power tools to sand down. Serious, don't bother hand sanding this mix.

For all you know I'm smearing poo all over my desk.

Dry stained pine embedded in varnished veneer. Looks awfull. Varnish has some pretty magical properties though :)

Varnish has a mild gooping/solvent effect like paint stripper, so it's fine to apply to old coats like this, the disparity between the currently uncoated, and coated sections won't show after the 3rd coat.

Will take another photo after it's done.