30 July 2022

Garrick's body destroyer hike test session.

Garrick and I scouted out a route and trial run for his 15km hike with 40kg load. We tried 10kg(Dad) and 15kg(Garrick) weights as trial starting points and shot off to Lysterfield. We did a few laps 'till we did the distance in the time. 15km's between 2h30m to 2h45m. We hit 2h38m, right in between the goal times with a short break to bandaid a blister and hit the toilets (while the timer kept running). We took sammiches, crackers, cheese, mars bars n drink.

I borrowed Dave's 10kg vest and Garrick took my weights-plates backpack with 15kg load. Garrick did really well. His only complaint was some foot discomfort, this afternoon he's pulling up really well. My body on the other hand is absolutely ruined. I actually died. I'm writing this from the grave. The 10kg vest I borrowed seemed a little heavy, it felt wrong every time I lifted it. I couldn't shake the feeling, I'm wrecked after doing the hike. I started weighing the sand-bags from the vest and they're 900grams each. There's 20 of them... With the vest weight it's clearly a 20kg pack! :( No wonder I died. I'm crushed that I sent Garrick with only 15kg. :(

Lots of Roo packs out. Many 1yr old lil' ones about with their mums, some late season critters in pouches still. Fun hike. We'll bump up the weight for Garrick next time.

Mindy sent a great photo of Oreo. :)