06 March 2022

Windows 11 install

So I installed Windows 11 this morning. Pretty basic stuff, very similar to W10, however it did take ten minutes to install and be useable as opposed to W10's unbelievable seven mins. *gasp* It also rebooted at least twice as many times during install. Dunno why, don't care.

Ridiculous centered icons that shuffle as you open and close new windows. Set this to the left corner again if you prefer legit productivity and icons to remain in set locations.
The maximise button has in interesting snap-to set of options if you hover over the icon.

Unfortunately the option to "never combine taskbar buttons" is gone, and requires 3rd party mods. Productivity does not like obfuscation....this is not a premium change.

A minor annoyance was the "send shortcut to desktop" option is now an extra set of clicks. Yikes, why...You need to select a "more option" menu to bring up what is essentially the old right-click-menu. :(

The usual stuff includes:

Turn off:
  • notification settings
  • focus assist
  • windows update uploads to the interwebz
  • focused inbox
  • mailbox conversations
  • all the shared stuff in privacy (lots and lots to manually turn off, many sub sections, be thorough)
And then:
  • Move the start menu back to the bottom left.
  • Turn night-light on.
  • Uninstall garbage apps (instagram, tiktok, xbox, twitter, facebook, solitaire, etc...)
  • Install Firefox, set as default browser, then set Bing instead of Google as the search engine.
  • Set Sunday as start of week instead of the inexplicable change to Monday a few yrs ago.
Then you're mostly done. Easy stuff. Remember to leave your *documents* drive unplugged 'till you're installed. There's no point getting windows system files thrown onto the drive every time you reinstall.

The whole thing was a no-brainer and though I thought highly of W10, I cannot justify resistance to moving to W11.