15 July 2021

Van certification quick fixes v2

The weather cycle is rain, sun, rain, sun and cold each day at the moment. I had to perform a speed-operation and get the external work done for this tiny sunroof/vent.

I'm installing a small 300x300mm sunroof. It's really chintzy...So is melamine...so why pay $150k for a van furnished with melamine...
I had to 1/2 gut the van to get roof access and run some wiring for this tiny fan. I've installed a huge baggie up against the roof to catch debris as I cut a new hole for the sunroof.
Clean up for marking out and silicon application later.
I need a hole this big.
About there will do.
I'm gonna try out my $40 pneumatic nibbler. Will it blend?
Air tools are tethered...I need a longer air hose.
...let's get that a little closer to the roof, for what it's worth...
Oh noez it won't start cycling. Dunno why. Suspected stuck at the end of stroke. I gave up and literally hit it with a hammer. It finally cycled up.
Nibbler needs a 14mm (9/16th's) entry hole. Blech, that's way more than a jigsaw needs... :( I'm not excited by the cut that looks like an Oxy' torch cut either, or the barbed-wire moon crescent swarf. I gave up as my compressor doesn't maintain 90psi with this tool. This will go on the shelf and never get used again.
Modern JigSaws have a lateral reciprocation per-stroke that's a game changer. Absolutely ripped through the roof in no time.
I have to deal with some locator tabs that need additional space.
Glad I installed the catchment baggie against the ceiling.
Sheet metal work always has a component of red. I dunno why, it just does.

I deburred all the holes as I really don't like pop-rivet jobs that sit proud on top of flared out pilot holes. The cut hole and mount holes also got a hit with some spray paint.
Two beads of silicone.
Seems flush. ps: the hinge is at the leading edge.
The flapper disc didn't like the wobbly sheet metal at one point during clean up. Regardless; You never go back to grinding discs after you've used flapper discs. No comparison.

LOTS of woodwork to follow. The external work is done.