07 October 2020

Got my U.S Federal Vote in.

So I emailed off my 2020 Federal Election absentee vote today...voting the same as I did in 2016. That is: No to Trump. It's not about liking any candidate more, or having a feeling about anyone and what good they might do for the country. It's about really basic hard facts and proven behaviours.

Is the candidate a PUBLIC SERVANT? Do they have knowledge of a wide range of all-the-things? Are they tempered, moderated, humble, and show wisdom and leadership with a history of these traits? If the topic is Trump, then the answer is a hard and provable NO to all of the above.

If you think he's done a "Lot of good things for this country" then you'll have to actually name a specific thing. Then look it up in more detail. Chances are, it's just another thing that was done before he got into office and claimed was his...again (by again I mean more than 150 times!! Outstanding deceit)... While this example might seem extreme, it is not for him. 20,000 verifiable lies while in office compared to less than a hundred for virtually any other president is outstanding.

And remember: If you're only voting on the abortion debate, then you're not quite in tune with how policy on one topic compares to another...Abortion is a tiny tiny percentage of the total annual ways to literally kill someone through policy. This is the legacy of 25% of the U.S vote. (voting solely on the abortion topic irrespective of candidate policy elsewhere) Look it up, read more, watch less.

If you feel the need to vote Republican because the Dems will ruin your life; just think about how Obama ruined your life. (spoiler: he didn't.) The republicans however, literally did ruin your life. By killing you through inaction.

Good job humans.