04 July 2020

Hard rubbish vice refurb

Jana's parents found a few small vices on the side of the road. Here's one of them torn down ready to be cleaned up with a steel brush on the drill.

I've whipped up some replacement jaws in aluminium. Notice the goofy different hole spacing...

I also re-tapped the retaining bolt in the movable jaw for the main screw. The retainer bolt and threads were a mess, and it was some imperial rubbish so I turned it into an M6 thread.
Stripped down and sprayed mat-black.
Mounted to a ply base for portability. Silly thing has a lip to hang over the edge of a bench...do not want...
Looks great. New jaws are great. Nice lil' tool.
I FINALLY made hardwood jaws for my big vice. The original steel jaws have been problematic for car parts for YEARS and prone to marking or damaging them.
I've put this upgrade off for an eternity. So happy it's done now. Super happy with this vice again.