28 September 2018

Grampians Sept 2018

Misc unedited photos. Some are intended to be stitched for panoramas...click-through at your own pace.

Tried a different camp ground at the Grampians this year. Super Primo site. New owners in 2014. Really top-rate camp site. Highly recommended. Go if you get a chance. Photo information below.

We did the down-hill-ride from McKenzies falls to Zumsteins again. First time for Garrick. Really fun ride, and great walk prior.

Cold days and nights. Tent was frozen crispy hard one morning. Car completely iced over. Some fun cockatoo photos at the end.

** Many shots taken from an old digital camera because my current phone is a cheap replacement with a crummy camera...however the digi-camera is an old 4:3 ratio. Didn't realise 'till just now when viewing on my monitor at home. Oh well...