20 June 2018

Fridge gizmology

Back during the summer I scoured the streets for a few weeks to find a second family size fridge to accommodate the four adults that live here.

It's been working great for months 'till the last week or so, and Jana noticed the fridge isn't keeping things cool any more. The freezer works fine though. I had a feeling the fan that blows cold air from the (lower) freezer up to the fridge had stopped working...it just didn't sound the same any more.

Time for some surgical gizmology.

I'd already done some work on this fridge when I found it and discovered some dodgy handyman work at the thermostat which I had to correct. It was reasonable to suspect more garbage handyman work on this expedition down to the freezer.

Two loose screws rolling around at the bottom of the freezer drip tray is a bad start.
...and a bunch of mismatching colored wires with the worst order of electrical tape joinery...
Featuring: Uninsulated dangling wires!
Mismatching screws to mount the fan!
Jared fixed it.
All tidy and works now.
Pixel supervised for the final 20mins of the 2hr job. She was a great help.