11 February 2018

Poor mans valve spring removal tools

I only have access to a very old clamp-style spring compressor. This requires the head to be off the car unlike an overhead spring compressor or hammer-tube gizmo.

Also, my springs are below the top of the head, so the compressor needs an extension which I don't have, and is sorta' a specialised tool.

So I made a compressor extension out of plastic tubing which exploded. I upgraded to a piece of modified brass tube. That works pretty well.

I then created a magnetic-hammer-tube gizmo to get the keepers off. Wow that works well. Unfortunately I don't have the insertion tool, so I still have to use the clamp-compressor to get the keepers back on. Still a massive speed upgrade though.

A modified piece of scrap tubing will act as an extension to the spring compressor
It's really awkward to use, but does the job.
So I made a classic hammer-magnet keeper release tool. Two hard drive magnets are taped to the end of a piece of scrap tubing.
You place it on the end of the spring and give it a good hard whack with the hammer.
The cap and the keepers explosively jump off, but are retained by the magnets.
Two keepers snugly held inside the tube thanks to magnet power
...so that sped things up a lot.