09 December 2017

Table Saw Motor upgrade

My table saw is pretty cheap. The motor is a gear reduced universal motor. Literally sounds like a gunshot when spinning up, is incredibly noisy, and vibrates like mad.

I'm not 100% happy with precision on the Radial Arm Saw but the motor is awesome, so I'm going to transplant that into the old table saw. I've already used the Radial Legs as a stand for the Drop Saw, and I plan on using the Radial-Lift for a Router-lift in future.

The awesome motor is a single phase induction motor with multiple coils. It's running the wrong direction. Dad and I had a shot at reversing it, but got unlucky with the design. I'm going to have to use the table saw from the other direction.

I whipped up a custom mounting plate at work. I used a surface gauge for the first time because verniers simply wouldn't do the job. (Not to be confused with a dial-indicator setup) Some drink-can and plastic take-out-container shims were used to align various elements. I milled out some additional space for the larger motor to fit more closely to the table surface, hogged out huge chunks from the side of the case to accommodate the larger motor (keep in mind it's a height adjustable miter saw), and made a new custom fence which is superior to the original. Overall really happy with the build. Misc pics below.