21 October 2017

Pixel tree ramp

Pix' constantly gets stuck in the fork of the left tree and cries to be rescued. She loooooooves being in the trees so I'd rather put up structure to encourage it than deny it. Giant pallet beam and some rope to the rescue. These beams have a shredded rubber layer for grip to the floor of shipping containers which makes a nice outdoor climbing surface.

14 October 2017

Kitty Containment

We have some aggressive council legislation regarding cats. They cannot be out of the owners property in suburban areas. Time to kitty-proof the back yard/s.

I used 25mm electrical conduit for structure, clothes-line for tethered-framework, bird-netting as a barrier, and a bazillion cable-ties. Electrical crimp connectors were used on the clothes line to terminate cables with a nice ring terminal. Conduit mounting clips were used as hinges on the gate. (cheapest hinges EVER, and work great) All bending and joinery was done with a heat-gun as the molded joiners were disproportionately expensive compared to 4 meters of the conduit itself.

Many photos may not be particularly clear, or tell of the construction very well. It was a labor of obligation rather than love...

Pixel is really happy she can climb the trees without her harness though. :)