11 November 2013

Dave's Firefighter Test

Dave is doing some Firefighter proficiency test thing for work. Part of it is completing one of the actual Firefighter fitness tests. The test is in a week or so, and we got in a practice run to be sure he'd smash it. Turns out he's too fit, and crushed the test no worries. :)

Did I mention we were carrying 20kg packs?? We had to stay within a minimum of 38mins, and a max of 45mins, so locking in a solid pace was crucial. The pace required to meet the 4.83km (3 miles) distance within time was a fast walk, just shy of breaking into a shuffle or a slow jog. About 9mins per kilometer, or ~6.5km/hr.

Sports-Tracker link here: http://www.sports-tracker.com/#/workout/mashee/fsvt2ok3dktqvk2s