06 November 2012

Small earring box built to survive an explosion.

I've been sitting on some earrings for the better part of 2 or 3 years. They were sold for some sort of charity/philanthropic agenda, and I seem to remember paying waaaaaaaay too much for them. They were in a rubbish plastic sleeve (so cheap that I was unwilling to gift them in it), so I whipped up something a little more presentable from scrap bits at work.

Some 10mm thick polycarbonate offcuts form a basic box. A 5mm steel bar should make a nice mount to hang the earrings on.
Back and sides screwed together. I used thread-lock (LololoLolol !! ) to secure the earrings to the bar. I guess whoever gets these is gonna have to wash them. Most gals have acetone (nail polish remover) at home anyway...should work fine.
Front screwed on with allen-key bolts. You can't actually get into this box without an allen key. Hilarity ensues.
/shrug. Looks pretty cool to me. I dunno. Better than the plastic slip anyhow.