15 November 2012

Most horrifying nightmare ever...

I woke up really distressed!!! For whatever reason during the dream, I was stuck on solving an equilateral triangle with angles other than 60 degrees. When I woke up, the premise was stuck in my head and it took a few moments to work out what was going on. Really quite disturbing. It was hard to get back to sleep!!

06 November 2012

Small earring box built to survive an explosion.

I've been sitting on some earrings for the better part of 2 or 3 years. They were sold for some sort of charity/philanthropic agenda, and I seem to remember paying waaaaaaaay too much for them. They were in a rubbish plastic sleeve (so cheap that I was unwilling to gift them in it), so I whipped up something a little more presentable from scrap bits at work.

Some 10mm thick polycarbonate offcuts form a basic box. A 5mm steel bar should make a nice mount to hang the earrings on.
Back and sides screwed together. I used thread-lock (LololoLolol !! ) to secure the earrings to the bar. I guess whoever gets these is gonna have to wash them. Most gals have acetone (nail polish remover) at home anyway...should work fine.
Front screwed on with allen-key bolts. You can't actually get into this box without an allen key. Hilarity ensues.
/shrug. Looks pretty cool to me. I dunno. Better than the plastic slip anyhow.