06 October 2011

50cc Pushbike Motor Kit. Part 3

I needed to make some modifications to the motor-pushbike. Previous build info is here (day 1) and here (day 2).

You can see here the clearance for your foot is pretty lean. The gearbox sticks out a ways, and the other side is similar.

The vertical clearance is somewhat lacking...

I'd like to extend the pedal about "this much". You can import pedal-extender-bars, but they're a specialist product, cost about $25-$40 a pair, and only extend about 2cm.

I had a spare set of pedals kicking around (why? because I'm awesome, that's why.) so decided I could modify them to make some sort of super-pedal.

Aluminium cuts like cake. I really need a larger vice. The drill vice isn't really meant for this.

So I broke my last blade. Blargh Bunnings trips in the middle of a build are a pain in the bum.

With any luck I can just bend the leaves around the existing pedal, bolt it, and be done with it.

No such luck, cast-aluminium. Snapped in my hands, didn't even needs tools to break this. :(

So I cut the remaining leaves off, and got started on the other pedal.

Bunnings forced me against my will to buy das-uber-vice. It's a sweeet 150mm bar with who knows how long an extension, with offset clamp. I've actually never used a clamp this beefy before. It weighs 17kgs on its own. For scale, the hacksaw next to it has a 30cm (1 foot) blade.

The clamp is offset, so you can drop large pieces of product down to the floor while locked in the vice, with a full grip unlike most clamps. It has whacky MONSTROUS fins on both jaws to prevent any flex due to the offset grip. The jaw depth is much deeper than a standard vice also. It's huge.

Shelf-brackets have served me well for steel-strip requirements in the past. I'm going to cut these down and use them as splints to extend the modified pedal off cuts.

Aluminium drills so nicely!! I wish every metal work job was like this.

So this pretty much completes the picture of what I'm trying to do. A few bolts should have this job complete in no time.

This whole job was eye-balled. Yep, that looks about right...

They don't look too bad.

Plenty of foot room now.

Left and right, looks fine. Another victory to ad-lib workmanship. Also...I scored a new vice, so it's a double win. :-)