04 June 2011

Magnet Phone

I wanted to attach my phone/GPS to the bike without the headache of a proper bracket. I'd tried a few magnetic gizmos in the past that I'd made with those flexible flat fridge magnets, but wasn't happy with their strength, or scratching, or they were just too poxy to use. But today I remembered I had a pile of very slim rare earth magnets from a series of Hard Drives that I'd pulled apart in the past.

So whack a pair of these inside the gel-case of my phone...and you can see where this is going. No adhesive necessary.

So easy. Can't believe I didn't think of this before.

Went to a mates house the other day with this setup and it worked fine. The phone didn't bounce, shift, move, anything. GPS worked fine.

I had small concerns about magnetic interference but the more I thought about it the more I realised that a static field wont effect the functionality this phone uses, both for 3G nor satellite location. If there were a pulsing electromagnetic field going on in very close proximity, then it would certainly have troubles. Even then, it may only be at certain harmonic frequencies that could cause problems, or of a strength high enough to actually cause current flow problems in the phone circuitry itself. Not something these magnets are going to achieve.

As it is, I'm very happy with it. Super simple, super easy to use, completely non invasive. Pure win!!