23 May 2011

My first "favorite" Geo Cache

On the geocaching.com site, you can "favorite" one cache, for every 10 that you find. I certainly found my first favorite today. This was a 1.5(easy to find) / 1.5 (easy terrain) cache. But it's the clever ones that you'll always remember.

Errmm...that's a sprinkler right?

"This sausage looks very suspicious !!" I actually did this one on my round today, hence the glove. Yes I was geocaching "on the job". What a life. This was the SECOND time I came back here today. I couldn't find it the first. Rode off...had a think about it, and came back later. Couldn't let that little sucker beat me ;-)

"Official Geocache" I've edited the location label out.

At first I thought this might have been a pre-fab "to look like a sprinkler" cache, but these look like standard parts from Bunnings. The finders-log is rolled around a piece of coat hanger for easy handling. Another homage to the pure awesome of real wire coat hangers.

So in summary: Geocaching is really fun. Mildly addictive. Offers micro rewards. Had a range of difficulty settings. It includes all the elements of a great online game, 'cept you're getting your vitamin D and exercise out in the sun!! Git ooot' thar 'n have ye sum fun!! ;-)