20 July 2008

Ugliest Sofa set ever

Got a hold of the worlds ugliest Sofa set. A friend was throwing it out.

Avert your eyes.

Loved the heavy timberwork. The varnish and timber are heavily damaged though.

Throw away the upholstery, and apply a heavy dose of 3M stripping disc.

mMmmm, naked timber. Love it.

Varnish is easy to remove, but stain takes a LOT of sanding. I'd estimate a good 6+ hrs was spent stripping the chair down. Fortunately I only have one chair and one sofa.

I really like the color of unstained timber. Not even sure what kind of timber it is. The grain is very different to pine, and it's lighter and softer than pine. Dunno if I'll varnish this bare, or apply a dark-mahogany stain like the rest of the furniture I've done over the years.

Will take some more photos after I decide how to coat it. Then there's the upholstery challenge. The padding and covering will all have to be done from scratch, the existing goods are too horrible to reuse.