28 June 2022

Garrick's early Christmas

Garrick's christmas present came early. All prelim' applications to ADF have been passed, he's received written unofficial confirmation he'll be accepted, and has received information on what to bring to training. Notably the information is very specific about bringing no electronics, and that they'd be locking up phones on day 1 to be distributed at brief intervals for phone calls home. I'm sure there are a variety of security issues and social-media-habits they're trying to kick.

In any case...this laptop was purchased two months ago on a ludicrous sale and was waiting for end of Yr12 as an early christmas present, but given the electronics restriction I've decided he might as well get some premium-new-tech use out of it now before he has to abandon it early next year; at least for the twelve week initial training. After that we're pretty sure restrictions ease substantially. (they get their own rooms at that point etc)

He's pretty pleased with it. I won't bore you with specs, but it's a very high end laptop.