15 April 2022

Sprinter camper sunroof install summary

There's a sunroof to install above the shower and bed. Both have reversible fans for extraction or fresh air, and LED lighting built into the inner shroud. This van quite surprisingly doesn't have a selection of locations to install such things, unlike the cruddy old Ford van.

03 April 2022

Buffings pads 'n angle grinders.

So I made a discovery today that makes me look like a genius or a pretty casual dummy. Take your pick.

Misc unsorted images below.

Barely moving on the van. Non optimal weather, motivation, and dollars are slowing things down. I'm still plodding through some basic plumbing stuff. I do have two pretty nice sunroof kits ready to install though (not shown). They have full size shrouded reversible fans, built in LED lighting, and a low profile knobby for rolling up the roof instead of a protruding crank. One is for the shower, the other for above the bed. Should be nice.

I found a really old electronics test board on hard rubbish. I've given it to Laurie to harvest parts for his SteamPunk creations. Premium parts! I'm hoping he looks up the manufacturers info and fills me in on some history, it's an awesome looking board.
