28 November 2021

Shadow the awesome foster kitty

Jana and I spent some time looking for a middle to elder age male kitty to be a friend for super-needy-clingy-crazy-pants-Pixel. We trawled through kitty bio's looking for a cat-friendly-cat.

Unfortunately Pixel is not socialised with/for other cats, and went berzerk when we introduced Shadow. We did all the slow introduction things etc. There was no possible way this was going to work without excessive work to keep them separate indefinitely. She stopped eating immediately and lost ludicrous amounts on weight by the end of the first week. She is too small to afford weight loss. We started feeding her wet food just to get her to eat. Lots of other things went on. Don't be fooled by the images of them in the same room. Pixel is only resting because she's been hissing and growling for hours on end while supervised, and can't stay awake any longer. Total fiasco.

We kept Shadow for three weeks then returned him to the foster carer. Shadow was the absolute best cat ever. Day 1 sitting on laps, purring, head bonking on your legs. Settled right in. Snores when sleeping and drools a little when happy. He was so good. There might have been tears when he left.