07 November 2020

1hrFix lawn mower throttle

My lawn mower's plastic throttle has been broken for a few years. Mowing season is upon us. I've been using fingernails and screwdrivers to move the cable 'till now. Time for a quick fix!

(...photo not related to the mower...)

I found a sickly looking bush-rat at work. Tried to give it some water. Put it outside...it was gone later. ./shrug
Mower throttle handle iz broke.
Take flimsy out. Add beef from bits laying around in parts drawers curated by the king of bits.

The metal flat bar is a bracket from something I found on hard rubbish...dunno. The washer didn't just magically fit obv', I had to file out the hole to fit...it's just acting as a spacer.
Connect to throttle cable.
Like a bought one.
Behold, the kludge-inator lives again. 1hrFix accomplished. (there was some filling and shaping and other various fiddlies to get spacing and stroke right etc...)
Mindy got some super cute kitties! They have no names yet. Jana suggested Coffee and Donut.
"Slo Joe" is about to whomp the fraudster. The cry baby's combo melt downs and splutters of silence as the Republicans re-take the reigns of media outletting has been the height of predictability. Bernie should be proud of his prediction into the specifics of Trumps behaviour during the election days; two weeks prior to the election. That man is plugged into the matrix.

03 November 2020

Camper shelf cupboard slides above driver seat

I got the slides finished for the shelves above the driver's seat. They came out OK.