23 March 2020

Covid 19 and it's totally your fault, not mine you ziggy piggies.

So I'm seeing a lot of poor hygiene activity out there in public given the current situation. I'm guilty of touching my face when I shouldn't, but that's in the category of life long ingrained habitual behaviours. Given the novelty and public effect of Covid-19 such as mass shutdowns and restricted interaction, there are NOVELTY behaviours that should become the norm, and people simply aren't doing it. Some of these should have been happening anyway with germophobes mastering this stuff forever:

- Have a pair (or dominant hand) glove in the car JUST for refilling gas/petrol. This is a no brainer, I've done it for quite some time. Don't be a pig. This pair of gloves does nothing else. The cooldown time between uses means this pair is always clean with no harmful bio-residue long before you use them again. Learn how to take a glove, or pair of gloves off without actually touching the outside of them with your palms.

- Keep a pen, or stylus in your pocket to press EFT buttons when paying for items at the check out. I actually have a regular pen with stylus on the tail, this helps for capacitive screens. I've started this due to covid-19, but am embarrassed I haven't in the past as those things are icky. This will take no effort to become a new habit. PayWave wins here too. Sorry USA, you're still 20yrs behind the curve having only just implemented chip readers. Enjoy your new pocket stylus forever.

- Public door handles. Do whatever it takes, just don't touch them. Push is easy, just lean in. Pull is a pain in the butt...get used to using some other body part. Ride the novelty. You'll work it out.

...and wash you hands when you get home.

Now get off my lawn you icky kids.

- Jas

03 March 2020

Thousand steps PB?

I was sure I had a sub 26min Personal Best time for the thousand steps...but can't find a record anywhere.

I'll drop this here for later...

From the large wooden pole built archway at the base of the steps car park, up to the top, and back again.