24 July 2016

Socket Set refurb

Amongst the many piles of displaced tools at work, I managed over several weeks re-build this old 1/4' socket set to what appears to be a mostly complete set. Some of the sockets don't match, but I think I found most of the original minimax hand tools intended to be in there.

The plastic inserts were rubbish, so I made a timber replacement, and added some magnets to hold some non-ideal stray parts. The case was stripped back, rust treated, and repainted with some hammer-tone. Obvious process pics below.

I'm re-gifting it back to the boss. Chances are he didn't realise it was gone...oh well, fun to play on the mill with timber anyhow. I'll make up a little X,Y screw advance jig for my drill press at some point as it was a real treat to work on.

It came up lookin' pretty neat.