25 December 2016

Christmas Day 2016

 Jana and I took the Kayaks down to Lysterfield Lake early in the morning.  The lake was dead still.  Some kangaroos were feeding as we arrived.

The water was reeealll nice to paddle on this morning. 
Later in the day Garrick's feet appeared.  He opened these presents. 
He can do both lego kits on his own, but the robot kits are a little more advanced.

The lego technic kit has a pneumatic component.

The Gundam robot is snap together but it's an advanced model with a couple hundred parts...a really nice one.  The bright colors are the actual plastic part colors, so you don't even need to paint it. Sweeeet.   It has some interesting sprues with mixed colors which I'll take photos of later.  Impressive stuff.

You can find nice reviews of the Hydraulic arm kit on youtube.

As the sun went down, Dad went up the ladder to assess a moldy corner at the gutters. 

 ...and plugged the leak with some silicone.
Then wire  brushed and sanded back some mold.  I'll let the landlord know it's temporarily fixed.   I don't have any putty or outdoor paint on me.

We had a late night walk around the local park, watched the bats fly to wherever it is they feed, then had christmas evening milkshakes. A pretty good day.

Then I did 100 chinups (not pullups) and had a shower and went to bed. Nope, not in one set...lots of small sets over 20mins.

18 December 2016

Passenger drink holder

Installed a spare bicycle drink holder for a rear passenger seating position in the car.  Looks good, works fine.  

Will install another next to it some day when I bumble into another spare holder...probably from scavenging hard rubbish...

13 December 2016

2016 Summer Corn

So we're trying corn again.  This time at the start of summer.  1/2 the plot was planted in the last week of October.

Garrick and I are planting an additional 60 seeds on THIS half of the plot on December 13th. (Western side, that way the tall established corn doesn't shade the new corn...and by tall I mean everything is relative...)

Heirloom white/yellow corn hybrid.

Hey you can see the trailer back there, I rewired it recently, and painted the main frame with some leftover hammer-tone blue I had from the radial saw rebuild.  Looks pretty snazzy.

23 October 2016

Magna TF leaking heater fix

Personal reference photos, nothing to see here.
