17 May 2015

Dave's mobile doggy compartment

Dave wants one of the compartments in his truck to be doggy-friendly, so we took the ute on into the workshop and added a few windows and an air vent.

Dave thinking like a dog. "Where would I want to see out??"
We cut a massive hole in the front so the puppy-brain can see Dave in the cab, see forward, and get some natural light.
Then slapped in a piece of polycarb', sealed up with silicone, and bolted in down.
A small louver air vent already exists in the front panel, but it's pretty small. We put a whopping big hole in the ceiling for more airflow.
And then slapped a great little water-diverting venturi canopy on top.
Here's Dave inside with the doors closed, checking for potential puppy happiness factors.
He decided we needed more visibility out. So another hole goes in the side.
We put some smoked polycarb' in the side door, so you can't really see in, but looking out is fine.
Looks nice 'n neat. Plenty of light and airflow inside. Simply cannot see in from the outside. Job done.
Here's Ruby inside at night. The internal light is on, otherwise you'd never see her.

09 May 2015

Gizmos on display

An old engraving tool that burned out. The motor rotor is kinda interesting, and spins on it's original bearings which are mounted in the small wooden brackets. Makes explanations of electrical magnetism far more interesting for the kids when it's hands-on.
Garrick really enjoyed the wall mounted engraver guts, so I decided to repeat the process with a modern 5.25' platter drive and an SSD. Lots of questions about how these work!! :D My fridge is covered in old HD magnets, so this was all the more interesting for him to investigate.