11 February 2013

Cook once, eat all week.

Can't talk, eating. Aaaahhmmm nom nom nom nom nom.

09 February 2013

Moon Buggy

It's James Moore's birthday!! (boss's 1st child) I decided to make him a little toy using parts and components from work. There's always a bit of a running gag that James is already running the show, and will be an engineer when he grows up etc...(possibly of the mad/evil variety)

So here's the finished product.
Moon Buggy!! The two astronauts are removable, and have "action movements" in the neck.

The tray tips on some plastic hinges.

I whipped up a gift box from an empty stock box, and used one of the business promotional images with some custom labeling. "Lil Engineer, Moon Buggy, Kit 001.01 Preassembled "
Construction pictures below:

I cut some wheel hubs and little men to length.
The hubs needed some rims to make them look more lunar-buggy-ish
Hubs being drilled out to accomodate some axles.
Press fit the rims/tyres.
Lunar Buggy Wheels!! Oops I pressed this one in backwards...it's not commin' out...
Super wide buggy wheels
Approximating the buggy size based on the wheels.
Driver seats!!
Attaching the floor and installing the seats.

Cargo hold under construction.
Mostly done, I just want to improve the look of the pilots before I gift this.
Some hinges were attached. Space dump-truck-buggy almost complete.
The little men had some heads attached, and their faces skillfully grafted.
So hopefully little James enjoys this toy!! His birthday is tomorrow so I'll upload some pic of his mum n dad playing with the moon buggy afterwards. ;P