20 June 2012

Measure the effects of gaming.

Jane McGonigal has participated in another presentation regarding real world impacts as a result of gaming, and goes further to show its innate positive effects are actually measurable in terms of scientific measure. (Including plenty of tongue in cheek stuff!!

I've linked Jane's previous TED talk here. Well worth your time.

I hear some really ugly opinions from people about gaming which Jane outlines at ~12:30, and then she continues with an example of some of the most commonly stated life-regrets from terminal-near-death, or elderly patients. The latter being the ones who are in a position of knowledge to be able to make observations of a much broader measure. In either case, both make the same observations which do not match the comments of the afore mentioned ugly-opinions.

Put some science in your brain, and mix it with a pep-talk and an amusing mental exercise.

Some really interesting stuff at ~38:00 of mental activity measurements while actually playing games, vs an observer (ie: watching TV). The disparity is so immense that you'd have to be watching Farmer-wants-a-wife not to notice that you're missing out on something awesome.

Join me in a game.